Saturday, September 4, 2010

Upkeep, Keep Up

I like to tell myself that I don't look like I've reached "mid-life".  But it sure feels like I have.  In reality, though, technically, I don't think I'm there yet.  I think you have to be at least 50 to be considered "mid-life" these days, and I've got four more years until I reach that lovely number. My body is starting to betray me though.  Lots of aches and pains I didn't have before and I'm definitely becoming what some people might consider, well, cranky.  For instance, I have to make an appointment for my yearly mammogram.  I just can't do it.  I can't pick up the phone.  Mammograms hurt!  They make me cranky, just like going to the gynecologist makes me cranky.  I feel so violated afterwards.  You can be damn sure that if a man had to put his balls in that evil mammogram machine, they'd figure out another way to do it. Just thinking about going pisses me off.  Then there is all the stuff I have to do just to maintain the body.  The lotion alone is unbelievable!  Not to mention the anti-aging, anti-spotting, anti-drying anti- whatever I have to slather on just to get through the day.  I know what you are saying, you're saying, "You don't have to do any of that."  But that's where you're wrong. Yes I do because not doing it would just make me feel worse.  And I can't start off feeling cranky, because if I do, who knows what will happen when I get to Walmart?!  Holy Mackeral!  I hate that place!  One has to shop there, because you just can't beat the prices.  But, I swear, that place makes me crazy, so I can't be cranky before I even walk in the door!

But, then I come home after I have run all my errands.  I put all the stuff away and I wait.  Then The Littles (my two youngest kids) come home from school.  The shiny happy people.  Full of their adventures of the day and I'm not cranky anymore and it's all worth it.