Friday, August 20, 2010

Read, Laugh, Cry

A couple of weeks ago I read the book Eat, Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.  I realize I'm late to the party on this one.  It's been on my list of books to read for a while now.  (BTW, I keep a LOT of lists.) I just hadn't purchased it yet.  Anyway, I was in Walmart perusing the book section when I noticed there was only one copy left with the original cover. All the rest had the movie poster.  I hate that.  I refuse to buy a book that has a picture from the movie on the cover instead of the original cover art.  I can't say why exactly, I just hate it when they do that.  I'm sure they sell more copies that way, but it really bugs me.  So I snatched up the last one with the pasta, the prayer beads and the exotic flowers.

I read it in a couple of days.  To say I loved this book would be a gross mis-understatement. Maybe it was because I wasn't expecting to enjoy it so much.  Maybe it's because I'm a nearly middle-aged women  sorely in need of a vacation I don't know, I just loved it.   The way Ms.Gilbert writes really drew me into the story.  It was hard to put down, I had to know what she discovered  next. It made me want to take off for an ashram in India for six weeks, meditate and not speak to anyone. To go to Italy and marvel at the art and architecture and study with a spiritualist in Bali (or maybe just sit on a beach).  I was really moved by Ms. Gilbert' journey.

You'd think that after loving it so much I'd be rushing out to see the movie the first chance I got, right? No way!  It's been my experience that movies rarely do a book justice and books that are dear to my heart are forever spoiled after Hollywood gets their hands on them.  There are a few exceptions to this observation, but that's another blog entry.  The other problem is, and I'm ducking under the table here, they put Julia Roberts in the lead role.  Wait! Before you throw that at me, hear me out!  I love America's Sweetheart as much as the next person, I really do! Mystic Pizza, Notting Hill, Erin Brockovich, Steel Magnolia's, Something To Talk About I love those movies! I just wish they had cast someone less famous in Eat, Pray Love.  Personally, I just think it is too distracting.  I think the star of the movie should be the story, the journey, not the actual star.

It's a wonderful story.  If you haven't had the chance to read this book yet, I highly recommend that you do, you won't be sorry. 

See ya later.  xxMeg


Thursday, August 19, 2010

On Second Thought....

I hadn't started a blog before now, because I didn't think I had anything to say.  But, seriously, who am I kidding? I have plenty to say! I have thoughts!  So, you lucky people out there in the blogeverse I thought I'd share them with you!

Today I went in search of a cream bronzer.  I seem to be on an anti powder kick this summer.  I just think the whole look is better with that dewy non-dryish look on my face.  I was very excited about looking into Chanel's Bronze Universel I've heard so much about all over YouTube.  Everyone just raves about it and you just gotta love that Chanel packaging.  Now I expected it to be expensive, I mean, heellloo, it's Chanel, right?  I was perfectly prepared to pay $32, $33, $34 for it.  Which I  thought was well over priced.  But noooooo!  Hold on to your pants folks, it is $48 freakin' dollars!  I really had to catch my breath.  Practically 50 bucks?! You just have to be kidding me! What the hell is in this stuff?  Really!  I have to know what makes it worth that price besides the fact that is says Chanel on the box! Now don't get me wrong, I like to pamper myself as much as the next girl.  Well that's not exactly true, I probably like to pamper myself more than the next girl. Just ask my husband, or my sisters, or my parents, they'll tell you.  I'm afraid it's a trait I'm passing along to my 7 year old daughter as well.  But, I digress.  That price is just ridiculous!  Anyway, I then when all over town, i.e.; Walmart, Rite Aid, CVS, the grocery store, and Walgreens and did not find one single cream bronzer anywhere! WTF?! Am I doomed to pay department store prices?  If so, that totally sucks!  It's just a bummer that some of the good stuff is so far out of reach. :-( If any of you guys know of any cream bronzers please let me know, I'm just dying to try one out.  See ya later!  xxMeg